On your manifestation journey, there may be times when it seems like there is something holding you back. Like there’s an invisible boulder in front of you, keeping what you want just out of your reach.
You could be doing all the work to raise your vibration and using many different manifestation techniques — but there’s an aspect you could be missing.
Negative energy may be blocking your flow.
These blocks often come in the form of limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or ingrained thought patterns that can be unconsciously preventing your manifestations from happening.
That’s where the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, can help. In this blog post, we’ll explore EFT and how tapping for manifestation can be a game-changer for creating your dream life.
What Is the Emotional Freedom Technique?
The emotional freedom technique (EFT) consists of literally tapping on specific points along the meridian lines of your body. It is shown to help reduce the emotional intensity of past issues that’s being held in your body, and release internal stress and resistance in the process.
EFT combines ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. Developed in the 1990s by Gary Craig, EFT is founded on the belief that unresolved emotional issues can disrupt the body’s energy system. This disruption can lead to various physical, emotional, and mental health challenges.
The core idea behind EFT is that by tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on particular issues, limiting beliefs, or goals, you can release blockages and restore balance to your nervous system.
The meridians are energy channels in the physical body that are used in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. By tapping on these points, you stimulate the meridians and encourage any blocked energy to flow in a more balanced and healthy way.
There have been hundreds of studies on EFT and it has been validated as an “evidence based” therapy for a wide range of psychological and physiological issues. Many therapists and coaches use EFT as a complementary tool to traditional therapy.
Issues that tapping helps to address include:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Physical pain
- Weight loss
- Abundance blocks
- Depression
- Fear
- Addiction
- Insomnia
- Autoimmune conditions
- Professional and sports performance
- And so much more
EFT tapping is simple and can be easily practiced on yourself. Typically, tapping sequences are done by focusing on your issue or negative emotions while tapping on specific meridian points. Through a few rounds of tapping, the emotional intensity of an issue can be greatly reduced — which allows that energy to be released from your body and flow more freely.
In turn, this increased energy flow will support you as you work toward manifesting your goals.
The information presented in this blog post is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While EFT has been shown to have positive effects for many individuals, results can vary, and it may not work for everyone. If you have any concerns regarding your physical or mental health, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider.
Tapping for Manifestation Step-by-Step
Now, let’s go through a step-by-step process for using EFT tapping for manifestation.
By following these steps, you can target and release limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and other forms of resistance that hinder your ability to manifest your desires.
Step 1: Identify Your Goal
What do you want to manifest? Be specific and clear about your intentions. Clearly define what you desire — whether it’s a new career opportunity, improved health, more financial abundance, or a loving relationship.
The more detailed you are, the easier it will be to focus your energy and measure your progress. Take a moment to write down your goal and the positive thoughts or emotions that come up when you think about it.
Step 2: Identify Your Blocks
Identify any limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or negative thoughts about yourself or others that might be holding you back from manifesting your goals. Ask yourself what fears, doubts, or anxieties surface when you think about achieving what your desire.
This internal exploration will help you pinpoint any emotional and mental blockages that may be present. Write down everything that comes to mind, no matter how trivial it may seem.
For example, if your goal is to manifest a new job, you might have a limiting belief like “I’m not good enough” or “there are no good jobs available,” or feelings such as fear or lack of motivation. These are all potential blocks that can be addressed with EFT tapping.
Step 3: The Setup

The setup involves using the fingers on both hands to rub the meridian spot just below your collar bone and your chest. Rub in circular motions and read your setup statement out loud.
The setup statement is: “Even though I _________, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
You should fill in the blank with whatever issue you may be facing. For example: “Even though I don’t feel good enough for the job I want, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Say this statement two more times, or you can reword it, always ending with the positive self-regard.
This step will help you release resistance and allow the unblocking process to begin. By affirming your self-worth and love, you create a powerful foundation for the tapping sequences.
Step 4: Tap Out Your Blocks Using Tapping Points
Now, begin tapping on a certain sequence of meridian points. For each point, state the block, emotion, thought, or problem that is coming up for you. You can tap on one side or both, whatever feels best for you.
It’s important to stay in the moment and acknowledge whatever is wanting to be released. As you tap, say out loud the thoughts and feelings that are coming up for you.
This is the recommended sequence and some examples of what you could say:
1. Inner Eyebrow

Tap gently and say, for example, “This negative feeling about myself.”
2. Outer Eyebrow

You can tap and say something like, “This fear of not being good enough.”
3. Below Eyes

Tap and say, for example, “These scared feelings.”
4. Below Nose

Tap and acknowledge a feeling like, “This feeling of inadequacy.”
5. Below Mouth

Tap and say, “Not wanting to face this challenge.”
6. Inner Collarbone (On the bone)

Tap and state, “Feeling bad about being lazy.”
7. Below Armpit

Tap and say, “This shame.”
8. Outer Hand (Karate Chop Point)

Tap and release, “These negative feelings toward myself.”
9. Top of Head

Tap and say, “This sadness.”
Repeat this process several times, allowing whatever comes up to be named and released. As you continue tapping, you may find that deeper layers of emotions and beliefs surface, which can also be addressed. You will know when you’re complete with this step because the emotions will have subsided and you will feel calmer.
Step 5: Tap In Your Desires
Now that you’ve cleared some of the blocks, it’s time to focus on what you want to manifest. Complete a couple rounds — or more if you’d like — of tapping on the meridians and stating your desired result.
Speak out loud what you want to feel, how you want to be, and what you are manifesting.
For instance, these are some examples of what you could say:
“I choose to believe in myself.”
“I give myself love and grace.”
“I am open to adventures.”
“I know the universe is guiding me.”
“I welcome challenge and trust this journey.”
“I believe in my worthiness.”
“I deserve to be happy.”
“I am grateful for the opportunities coming my way.”
“I am manifesting happiness and success.”
Repeat this process until you feel a strong alignment with your desires. You can picture your goal in your mind and embrace the positive emotions you will have when you achieve it.
Feel the shift in your energy and trust that you are on the path to making your goals a reality.
Step 6: End Your Session
With hands down by your sides, palms open and facing forward, take a deep breath in, then slowly let it out through pursed lips.
Feel the peace and flow. You are now free of resistance!
There may be times that you will need to release more blockages, because sometimes the stored emotions and belief patterns run deep. Each session allows you to peel back another layer and get to the core of these issues.
Over time, as you consistently apply EFT tapping, you will find yourself more and more at ease and in flow with your desires. Persistence and patience are key — the more you practice, the more profound and lasting your shifts will be.
Advanced Tapping Techniques for Manifestation
Ready to take your tapping practice to the next level? Let’s explore some advanced manifestation techniques that incorporate the emotional freedom technique.
1. Future Self Tapping
This technique involves visualizing your future self who has already achieved your desired manifestation.
Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living the life you want. Notice the details — how you feel and what you see, hear, and do.
As you hold this vision, tap through the EFT points, using affirming statements like, “I am worthy of this life,” “I am open to receiving abundance,” and “I am aligned with my highest good.”
This method helps bridge the gap between your current reality and your desired future.
2. Vision Board Tapping
Create a vision board with images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and desires. As you look at your vision board, tap through the EFT points while affirming each item on the board.
For example, if you have an image of a new home, tap while saying, “I am attracting my perfect home.”
This technique combines the visual power of a vision board with the emotional release of EFT tapping to reinforce your intentions and clear any internal resistance.
3. Manifestation Script Tapping
Write a detailed script of your ideal life, describing your goals as if they have already been achieved. Read the script aloud while tapping through the EFT points and feel the positive emotions with each statement.
For example, if you want a successful career, tap while reading “I am so grateful for my fulfilling and abundant career. My work brings me joy and fulfillment every day.”
This practice helps embed your desires into your subconscious mind and align your energy with your goals.
4. Gratitude Tapping
Gratitude is a powerful manifestation tool. While tapping through the EFT points, focus on things you are grateful for in your life — both currently and those you are manifesting.
Say positive statements like, “I am grateful for my health,” “I am grateful for the financial abundance flowing to me,” and “I am grateful for the love in my life.”
This technique raises your vibration and helps attract more of what you appreciate into your life.
5. Affirmation Tapping
Create a list of positive affirmations that align with your desired manifestation. While tapping through the EFT points, repeat each affirmation out loud, feeling its truth in your body.
Examples of positive affirmations include “I am worthy,” “I trust the universe to support me,” and “I am a powerful manifestor.”
This technique helps to reprogram negative beliefs and cultivate a more positive mindset.

Tips for Real-Life Application of EFT
How do you include tapping practice in your life, and how do you know if it’s doing any good? Here are some insights to help you get the most out of tapping for manifestation.
1. Track Your Progress
Tracking your progress will help you maintain motivation, and also gauge the effectiveness of your tapping practice. When you document your journey, you can identify patterns, recognize improvements, and celebrate milestones.
This will allow you to see tangible evidence of the shifts occurring in your life and reinforce your commitment to the process. It also helps you adjust and refine your techniques as needed.
Try some of these ways to track your progress:
- Maintain a manifestation journal where you record your progress and observations over time.
- Create a progress chart to mark off EFT sessions and milestones.
- Record voice memos before and after sessions.
- Write regular self-assessments in your journal or another document to review how you’re doing.
2. Adapt Over Time
As you practice EFT tapping, it’s important to adapt your techniques as needed. What works one week may not be as effective the next.
Pay attention to any shifts in your energy, emotions, and physical sensations. If you feel like something is not working for you anymore, don’t be afraid to switch things up and try a different approach.
3. Integrate Tapping into Your Daily Routine
Incorporating tapping into your daily routine can enhance your manifestations. You can choose to tap at a certain time of day, such as in the morning, or whenever negative emotions arise.
You could also take note of what blocks come up during your day and tap those out in the evening.
These are a few other possible routines:
- Morning Ritual: Start your day with a tapping session. Focus on setting positive intentions and clearing any negative energy from the previous day. This practice will help you approach your day with a positive mindset and attract favorable outcomes.
- Midday Check-In: Take a few minutes during your lunch break to tap and release any stress or tension that may have accumulated. This quick check-in can help you stay centered and focused throughout the day.
- Evening Reflection: End your day with a tapping session to release any negative emotions or beliefs that came up during the day. Reflect on your achievements and set intentions for the next day. Practicing this just before bed is a powerful way to reprogram while you sleep.
4. Celebrate Small Wins
Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each step forward is a huge accomplishment!
By recognizing your progress, you’ll reinforce positive thought patterns, helping you stay motivated and inspired to continue reaching for your dreams. Celebrate those wins! Where your focus goes, your energy flows.
Tools and Resources for Learning More
Here are some valuable tools and resources to help you deepen your understanding and enhance your practice of EFT. Use these recommendations to expand your knowledge and refine your techniques.
1. Books
- The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner
Nick Ortner discusses the history, science, and practical applications of tapping — providing easy-to-use practices, diagrams, and worksheets to address various issues. The book includes real-life stories of healing and demonstrates how simple strategies can help release fears and clear limiting beliefs to create your desired life.
- EFT Manual by Gary Craig
Gary Craig, the originator of EFT, shows you how to identify the emotional roots of your problems and create words that trigger a healing response, as well as demonstrating the one-minute healing routine foundational to EFT. He explains how EFT can be applied to conditions like pain, fears, addictions, weight issues, insomnia, and guilt.
- Matrix Reimprinting using EFT by Karl Dawson
Karl Dawson teaches Matrix Reimprinting techniques that utilize EFT to tap on specific memories, which allows you to release negative emotions and transform your limiting beliefs. This book offers step-by-step guidance on the process of reimprinting, including case studies and practical exercises.
2. Online Courses
- The Gary Craig Official EFT Website offers resources and high-end EFT training.
- The Tapping Solution App offers guided tapping sessions and hundreds of meditations.
- EFT Universe provides online courses and certification programs.
- EFT Tapping Training Institute offers live in-person workshops as well as online training and certification programs for professionals who want to learn EFT.
3. Community Support
Join online forums and social media groups dedicated to EFT and tapping. Engage with like-minded people, share experiences, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners.
- Facebook Groups: Join large, active EFT communities on Facebook where individuals share tips and success stories, and offer support.
- Meetup Groups: Look for local EFT meetups to connect in person, practice together, and learn from experienced practitioners.
- Online Forums: Participate in forums like those on EFT Universe and the Gary Craig Official EFT Website to discuss challenges and breakthroughs.
- Social Media: Follow EFT practitioners on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for regular updates, tips, and community interactions.
- EFT Tapping Circles: Participate in tapping circles that offer a group tapping experience under the guidance of a facilitator.
Final Thoughts
Tapping for manifestation is a powerful way to transform your life. When you combine the emotional freedom technique with manifestation techniques, such as positive affirmations and visualization, you will help release negative emotions, cultivate positive energy, and achieve your deepest desires.
Are you ready to take the next step in your manifestation journey? Explore the world of EFT and discover how it can help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of.