The purpose of the 17 second manifestation technique is to train your mind to focus on creating what you want.
This may sound too simple, but it’s a deceptively powerful technique. Consider this question for a moment:
How often do you think about things that are going wrong in your life, compared to thinking about things that are going right?
If you’re anything like me, you have a tendency to focus on the bad stuff rather than the good. This is a natural human tendency called negativity bias, and it’s designed to keep us aware of possible dangers in our environment.
But in modern life, we don’t have to deal with the same threats as our ancient ancestors. Today, our negativity bias often leads to higher levels of stress and anxiety instead of doing us any good.
So, can you use the 17 second manifestation process to retrain your brain to focus on the positive and create a better future?
Let’s take a closer look.
1. Who Started the 17 Second Manifestation Technique?
The 17 second manifestation method is the creation of Abraham Hicks.
Personally, I think the technique makes a lot of sense and is well worth trying out. Although, I should also mention that the originator, Abraham Hicks, is a somewhat controversial figure.
An American business woman named Esther Hicks claims she can channel “a group of non-physical entities called Abraham.” When Esther is either speaking or writing as Abraham, she refers to their joint communication as Abraham Hicks.
Abraham Hicks is well-known in the law of attraction field, and many feel they have benefited from their teachings. Whereas, others question their legitimacy.
Controversy aside, I think the best way to judge any manifestation technique is to see whether or not you get results from it. And, on that basis, I feel the 17 second manifestation technique is definitely worth exploring.
2. How Does the 17 Second Manifestation Technique Work?
Abraham Hicks suggests that we’re all emitting a certain vibrational signal or energy at any given time. They also suggest that the universe responds to this signal by sending us the same kind of vibration or energy.
And this response from the universe is what we receive and experience in life. So, if you’re focusing on what’s wrong in your life and feeling frustrated, you’ll receive more frustrating elements in your life.
Another way of saying this is that your thoughts create your reality – which is a well-known concept in both modern and ancient times.
All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
~ Buddha
Now, this doesn’t mean that when bad things happen to you, it’s all your fault. Most of your thoughts originate in your subconscious mind, which most of us have little to no control over. So it’s not your fault if you’re having unhelpful thoughts.
But… even if you may not be able to control all your thoughts, you can choose which thoughts you focus on.
With some practice, you can learn to let any unhelpful thoughts pass by, and focus on supportive, positive thoughts instead.
And that’s what the 17 second manifestation method is all about – training your mind to focus on the thoughts you want.
3. Look Into Your Feelings: An Important Key to the 17 Second Manifestation Technique
Another essential concept for this technique is Abraham Hicks’s assertion that thoughts are actually caused by emotions. Modern psychology tends to suggest the opposite – that emotions are caused by thoughts.
Whichever one comes first, all would agree that thoughts and emotions are closely linked and can influence each other in a positive or negative way.
So a vital part of the 17 second manifestation process is to cultivate a greater awareness of your emotions as well as your thoughts.
You can train your mind to focus on the positive emotions you want to experience, and this will support more positive thoughts or positive thinking.
4. How to Practice the 17 Second Manifestation Technique
The basic idea behind this manifestation method is to focus on the natural feeling of well-being right after you wake up in the morning for 17 seconds. Abraham Hicks breaks the technique into the following four steps:
Step 1: Ask for What You Want
Having personal preferences is a natural part of being human. As you interact with the world, you get ideas about things you either want or don’t want.
And Abraham Hicks would say that you emit a vibrational signal asking for what you want from the universe. Which the universe will then answer and provide to you.
But… if you’re focusing on what you don’t want, this is exactly what you’ll get. For example, if you’re focusing on how you hate being poor, you’re cultivating the energy of being poor. So, that same “poor” energy will be returned to you.
On the other hand, if you focus on something you want and are excited about, like getting your dream job, this is the energy you’re aligning with. And the universe will return this energy.
So, the way you ask for what you want in the 17 second manifestation technique is to concentrate on the thoughts, emotions, and outcomes you want to be experiencing.
Step 2: Feel Like You Have It
This is where your emotions can really support you in this manifestation technique. As I just mentioned, it’s ideal to focus on what you want to manifest, rather than what you don’t want.
And a good way to do this is to focus on how you want to feel when you have what you want. Don’t start thinking about how you’re going to manifest it during your 17 seconds.
Instead, focus on how good you would feel once you’ve already achieved your goal or your dream. What would it mean to you? How would it change your life? What would your daily experience be?
Abraham Hicks recommends focusing on these good feelings and emotions when you wake up each morning, because this sets the energetic tone for your day and brings you into vibrational alignment with what you want. And the universe will start responding accordingly.
Step 3: Hold This Feeling for 17 Seconds
When you first wake up in the morning, your mind is often at its calmest. This is the state of mind you’re trying to cultivate with the 17 second manifestation technique.
Try to focus on that sense of calm and well-being for 17 seconds, before any thoughts of the day ahead start creeping in. It’s easy to start worrying or remembering things that bother you fairly soon after waking up.
But do your best to set these thoughts aside for at least 17 seconds and stay with that sense of well-rested peace and calmness. This will help train your mind to focus on feeling good, rather than on stress and negative thoughts.
At first, you can use a timer for your 17 seconds if you want to get a better sense of how long it is – like the timer on your phone or a kitchen timer.
You can also slowly count to 17 in your mind as you’re doing this manifestation practice. It doesn’t need to be perfect, the point is to practice focusing on that sense of well-being.
Step 4: Maintain Positive Feelings Throughout Your Day
The more you can train your brain to focus on positive emotions and thoughts first thing in the morning, the easier it will be throughout your day as you encounter the inevitable ups and downs of life.
When you get thrown off-balance, you may find it easier to return to a sense of calm and well-being. And this is exactly where you want to be – focusing on feeling good and what you want to manifest.
Do your best to come back to this feeling as often as you can, and the universe will start sending the same feeling back to you in your daily experiences.
Abraham Hicks claims that when you focus on a feeling or thought for at least 68 seconds, this creates enough momentum for it to start manifesting. So the “advanced” practice of the 17 second manifestation technique is to practice holding your focus for 68 seconds.
But starting with 17 seconds at a time is ideal for learning the process. Also, start watching for any synchronicities that might happen in your life, and for things that simply go your way.
Seeing evidence that the universe is responding to your positive energy and focus will show you this process is working.
Give the 17 Second Manifestation Technique a Try!
The only way you’ll know whether or not this method works is to give it a fair try. It’s one of the easiest manifestation techniques to do – you just have to remember to hold a sense of peace and well-being for a few seconds after you wake up, before your mind starts to get active.
Try this every morning for at least one month and see how it affects the rest of your day. I hope this becomes a helpful part of your morning routine and gets the law of attraction working for you!